The calculated p-value will range from 50% to 0%. The smaller the p-value, the less likely the record will have arisen by chance, in other words the more likely something else like skill may be the primary cause. Anything more than p-value=1% is not considered by statisticians to be evidence of something other than chance going on.
A p-value of 1% means that your record will arise by chance 1 in 100 times. This estimation is fairly robust for variable staking provided the stake sizes do not vary too much. This test is less reliable for records shorter than 100 bets. This test also assumes that you are betting to market efficient (or 100% value) prices, i.e. random pick selection will break even over the long term.
It also assumes there is no back fitting taking place and you are generating outputs for selections in a pre defined system, rather than testing random historical outputs. For typical fixed odds match bet markets, market leading (best) prices will closely approximate 100% value prices.
A p-score below 5% gives moderate evidence against the thesis that the yield is a result of chance alone. A p-score below 1% could be considered a strong evidence against this thesis, and under 0.1% a very strong one.