02/09/20 * Previous Races added AR, * Days since last Race added AS, OR move to AT, Headgear moved to AU
27/04/21 * Course winner added AT, * Distance winner added AU, OR moved to AV, Headgear moved to AW
18/05/21 * Class change since LTO added AV, * OR change since LTO added AW, * Course Wins added AX, * Distance Wins added AY,* Distance in Furlongs added AZ, * Up in Trip added BA, OR moved to BB, Headgear moved to BC
19/05/21 * WGT in pounds added BB, WGT change since LTO added, BC, OR moved to BD, Headgear moved to BE
21/05/21 * Class wins added AZ, Distance in Furlongs moved to BA, Up in Trip moved to BB, WGT in pounds moved to BC, WGT change since LTO moved to BD, * Tear WGT added BE, * Race rating added BF, OR moved to BG, Headgear moved to BH
23/05/21 - Change to some headings also
* Going Wins added BA, Distance in Furlongs moved to BB, Up in Trip moved to BC, WGT in pounds moved to BD, WGT change since LTO moved to BE, * Tear WGT added BF, * Race rating added BG, OR moved to BH, Headgear moved to BI
25/05/21 * RBD Rank added AR, Previous Races moved to AS, Days since last Race moved to AT, Course winner moved to AU, Distance winner moved to AV, Class change since LTO moved to AW, OR chance since LTO moved to AX, Course wins moved to AY, Distance wins moved to AZ, Class wins moved to BA, Going wins moved to BB, Distance in Furlongs moved to BC, Up in Trip moved to BD, WGT in pounds moved to BE, WGT change since LTO moved to BF, * Tear WGT added BG, * Race rating added BH, OR moved to BI, Headgear moved to BJ
08/06/21 * DOB % added to BI, * DOB P/L added to BJ, OR moved to BK, Headgear moved to BL
09/07/21 *PRB % added to BK, * PRB to date added to BL * LTO Pos added to BM, OR moved to BN, Headgear moved to BO
15/09/21 Today's race details added into column BP
09/10/23 *Tick Drop added to BN, *10 B2L added to BO *25 B2L added to BP *50 B2L added to BQ, *10 B2L To Date added to BR, *25 B2L To Date added to BS *50 B2L To Date added to BT, OR moved to BU, Headgear moved to BV, Today's Race moved to BW